Exercise Physiologist Career

exercise-physiologist-500An exercise physiologist develops fitness programs to improve flexibility, muscle strength and endurance, cardio respiratory function and body composition. Fifty percent are self-employed, while the other fifty are employed in hospitals, medical offices, or other healthcare providers. Compassion, decision making skills, interpersonal skills, and being detail oriented are all qualities to have in this career.

Most exercise physiologists work full time hours in a hospital setting or private health care provider offices. Face to face interactions with patients in controlled environments in close proximity are the norm. Other duties could be management, coordinator, or weight management consultant, among others.

Exercise Physiologist Career Snapshot

Further details on a career as an exercise physiologist are listed below (statistics from the May 2015 Bureau of Labor Statistics and Onet Online):


is the average annual salary for exercise physiologists.


increase in employment between 2014 and 2024.


have a Master’s degree while 32% have a Bachelor’s degree.

Exercise Physiologist Education

At least a Bachelor’s degree is required, while Master’s degrees are also available and becoming more common. Fifty seven percent obtain a Master’s and thirty two percent acquire only a Bachelor’s. Prior to college, taking classes in anatomy, physiology, and physics are highly encouraged. Licensure can be acquired from the American Society of Exercise Physiologists, and the American College of Sports Medicine after a Bachelor’s degree is obtained.

Exercise Physiologist Job Outlook

This career is projected to grow, on average, eleven percent through the year 2024. Demand for Exercise Physiologists is expected to increase due to an emphasis on preventative care and long term rehab for chronic disease sufferers. This growth is faster than an average.

Exercise Physiologist Salaries

The average salary is $47,010 annually according to BLS.gov 2015 reports. The state in which you work and your place of employment weigh heavily in determining a salary. The lowest reported being $31,540 and a highest of $73,840.

Exercise Physiologist Job Duties

A typical day usually involves analyzing the medical history of patients along with all of the new patient data you will obtain. By performing fitness and stress tests, determining key health indicators such as blood pressure, oxygen usage, and heart rhythms, and supervising clinical tests, you will be able to develop the correct fitness program for each patient. You also may be called upon to provide emergency medical care to patients in physical distress.

Exercise Physiologist Skills & Traits

Exercise Physiologist Skill Set:Required Abilities:Tools Used by Exercise Physiologists:Typical Work Activities:
• Active Listening
• Critical Thinking
• Reading Comprehension
• Speaking
• Instructing
• Oral Comprehension
• Oral Expression
• Deductive Reasoning
• Written Comprehension
• Inductive Reasoning
• Automated external defibrillators AED
• Calorimeters
• Dynamometers
• Intravenous IV infusion pumps
• Electronic spirometers
• Getting Information
• Using Relevant Knowledge
• Caring for Others
• Performing General Physical Activities
• Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships

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