Top 8 Science Careers

career-toolkit-200If you like searching for answers, then a career in science may be a good fit for you. We’ve ranked science careers and listed the top 8 for you here. Depending on what job you’re interested in, you may need a Doctoral degree to work in one of these top ranked science jobs, however most only require a Bachelor’s degree.

Geoscientists rank #1 with a salary of $89K a year and a job outlook hovering at 10%. Environmental scientists and specialists round out the #2 spot with a high number of new job openings available through 2024 and an average pay of $67K a year. Physicists take the #3 spot with a high salary of over $111K a year.

Read more on how we ranked the top science careers.

The highest score using our ranking system is 100



#1  Geoscientist          

Overall Score: 71 | Typical Education: Bachelor’s

Geoscientist claims the top spot in the list of top science jobs due to its high salary, high salary span, and the fact that its job outlook is much higher than many other science careers … learn more

Median Salary: $89,700 | Salary Span: $139,950

Job Outlook: 10% | # of New Jobs: 3,800


Environmental Scientists and Specialists

#2  Environmental Scientist and Specialist

Overall Score: 67 | Typical Education: Bachelor’s

Environmental scientist and specialists rank #2 in the list of top science careers thanks to its high job outlook and increase in new jobs … learn more

Median Salary: $67,460  | Salary Span: $77,720

Job Outlook: 11% | # of New Jobs: 10,200



#3  Physicist

Overall Score: 61 | Typical Education: Doctoral

Physicists earn a 6-figure salary, however the typical education level is high with most earning a Doctoral degree  … learn more

Median Salary: $111,580  | Salary Span: $129,620

Job Outlook: 8% | # of New Jobs: 1,400


Materials Scientists

#4  Materials Scientist

Overall Score: 60 | Typical Education: Bachelor

Materials Scientists earn over $90K a year and enjoy a large salary span for a career only requiring a Bachelor’s degree … learn more

Median Salary: $91,000  | Salary Span: $101,570

Job Outlook: 3% | # of New Jobs: 200


Medical Scientists

#5  Medical Scientist

Overall Score: 60 | Typical Education: Bachelor’s

Medical scientists work on developing new medicines. The job outlook is high as well as the salary … learn more

Median Salary: $82,240  | Salary Span: $110,670

Job Outlook: 8% | # of New Jobs: 9,000



#6  Chemist

Overall Score: 58 | Typical Education: Bachelor’s

Chemists are in the #6 spot in the science careers list. Their high salary span helps them rank higher than many careers … learn more

Median Salary: $71,260  | Salary Span: $84,340

Job Outlook: 3% | # of New Jobs: 2,400


Forensic Science Technicians

#7  Forensic Science Technician

Overall Score: 58 | Typical Education: Bachelor’s

Forensic Science Technicians earn above $50K a year with a salary span just over $60K a year. The job outlook is very high at 27% … learn more

Median Salary: $56,320  | Salary Span: $60,410

Job Outlook: 27% | # of New Jobs: 3,800



#8  Microbiologist

Overall Score: 58 | Typical Education: Bachelor’s

Microbiologists take the #8 spot in the science careers list. It’s a small field, but one with relatively high pay … learn more

Median Salary: $67,550  | Salary Span: $86,390

Job Outlook: 4% | # of New Jobs: 800