Wind Turbine Technicians Salary

The salaries presented on this web page are from May 2016 as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (

Median Salary

Wind Turbine Technician Salary Ranges

Highest Wind Turbine Technicians Salaries:$76,250
Mid-Level Wind Turbine Technicians Salaries:$52,260
Starting Wind Turbine Technicians Salaries:$36,970

Salaries by State

Hover on a state to see the annual median salary for that state.

Top Paying States, Metro Areas, Non-Metro Areas, and Industries

The top paying states for wind turbine technicians are listed in the chart above.

The chart above shows the top paying industries for wind turbine technicians.

The chart above displays the top paying metro areas for wind turbine technicians.

The chart above shows the top paying non-metro areas for wind turbine technicians.