Top Career Rankings

career-toolkit-400Ready to see the top careers? Let’s get to it!

The careers were ranked using the following criteria; salary, salary growth, job outlook, number of jobs in 2014, number of new jobs expected between 2014 and 2024, and typical education required.

There are a few other job rankings on the web. However, as you can see, ours calculates the rankings based on measurable criteria. That means subjective factors like ‘stress’ and ‘physical requirements’ are not a part of our rankings. That’s because not everyone perceives these the same way.

Take a look at our list of top careers. Again, the careers are based on actual data according to pay, potential job prospects, and the typical education required. From there, review the careers you’re most interested in by reading the full career profile on each.

Top 100 Careers

The jobs on this list pay well, have a high growth potential, good job prospects, and a high number of new job openings expected through 2024. We also factor in education. Take a look at the list of the top 100 careers!

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