What Do You Have To Do To Become a Cosmetologist?


Before taking the licensing exam and entering the field, cosmetologist students must first complete a certain level of traditional education and a state-approved beauty school program.  The exact requirements you’ll need to meet will depend on your home state, so it’s important to contact your state’s licensing board before you leave high school and enroll in a cosmetology program.

For example, in Michigan, you must complete a ninth-grade education and an approved cosmetology program – enrolling in an unapproved course will only set you back in the licensing process.

Choosing a Cosmetology Program

Depending on your geographic location, your choices in cosmetology programs may be limited.  Most community colleges and technical programs offer one- or two-year programs to prepare you for the licensing exam.  These programs include a variety of courses on everything from cutting techniques to cosmetology theory to the customer service skills you’ll need to work in the field.

If possible, try to get reviews from former students who have graduated from the program you’re thinking about attending.  Ask how well they felt the program prepared them for their careers and how easy it was for them to find jobs after graduation.

If you have more than one option to consider, look into what each specific curriculum will cover.  How many hours are spent in lecture and how many will be spent in the lab, learning about cosmetology hands-on?  While it’s important to study the theory behind cosmetology, hands-on training is where you’ll really develop your skills.  Don’t be afraid to contact the professors before enrolling to ask what specific techniques they teach.  For example, if you eventually want to specialize in highlights and hair coloring, you’ll want to find a teacher who specializes in the latest techniques in that field.

In addition, you may want to look into a product-specific training program, depending on your professional interests.  For example, the Aveda Institute offers an approved cosmetology program in many states that focuses on using Aveda’s natural products as part of a holistic hair care approach.  If you aren’t yet sure what you want to specialize in, a general focus program will give you a good introduction to the many areas and products involved in the cosmetology field.

Practical Considerations

If you have a family, or plan to balance your training with a full-time job, you may want to look for a program that offers flexible scheduling or night courses.  Fortunately, more and more beauty schools are offering these alternative courses in response to the changing demands of students’ lives.  Money is also a concern, so be sure to add up what each individual program will cost you.  Be sure to take into account the amount of money you’ll need to spend on supplies and materials – some programs include these in their fees, while others charge as much as $2,000 on top of tuition fees.  If the cost of a beauty school program still seems out of reach for you, ask the schools if they offer any scholarships or loans to help offset the amount of tuition you’ll pay.

How Long Does it Take to Earn a Degree or Certification in Cosmetology?

While the total time needed depends on the school you choose to attend and whether you take classes full- or part-time, the average time needed to complete a cosmetology degree is approximately 9 months.

What do I need to do to get certified to work as a cosmetologist?

Once you complete your coursework through an approved cosmetology school, you will need to pass an exam administered by your state’s cosmetology licensing board.  Once you have received licensure, you will be able to work as a certified cosmetologist.  You may be required to pay a licensing fee on a periodic basis, and you may need to update your certification with new coursework from time to time.

Will I be able to find a job as a cosmetologist once I earn my degree?

Cosmetology jobs are on the rise; even with the current economic problems, entry-level positions in cosmetology are expected to increase faster than the average rate for other types of employment over the next decade.  Due to high turnover, finding an entry-level position should be fairly easy, although competition is tougher for higher-level employment.

If you are interested in a career working closely with others, helping to bring out their inner beauty, cosmetology school is a fantastic way to get started.  Look for accredited cosmetology schools online or in your area, and get started on your way to a satisfying and rewarding career.

Beginning a Career in Cosmetology: How Much is Tuition for a Cosmetology Degree or Certification?

If you have decided to study cosmetology, congratulations!  You have made the first step toward starting a rewarding career.  You probably have some questions about the field of cosmetology and how you can earn your degree and licensure.  We can answer these questions for you; where to find a cosmetology school, how much is cosmetology tuition, and everything else you need to know to get started.

What kind of training will I need?

Before you can work as a cosmetologist, you will need to attend an approve cosmetology school.  Whether you take courses online or at a traditional beauty academy, you will need to complete all required coursework in cosmetology procedures, as well as learning to manage a salon.

How much does it cost to become a cosmetologist?

Depending on the cosmetology school you enroll in, tuition can range from $5,000 to $12,000.  In addition to your enrollment fees, you may also be asked to pay for supplies, such as coloring, straightening and perm solutions, equipment and supplies.  Many cosmetology schools offer financial aid for qualified applicants.

How can I get my license to work as a cosmetologist?

Once you complete your cosmetology degree, you will be required to pass a comprehensive exam given by your state cosmetology licensing board.  Passing this exam will make you eligible to work as a certified cosmetologist.  You may need to pay an annual fee to keep your license up to date, as well as take periodic refresher courses in new cosmetology procedures.

Obtaining Your Cosmetology License

Cosmetology is much more than just cutting hair – as a professional stylist, you’ll be expected to be familiar with the latest cutting techniques, color formulations and product offerings.  To learn all these things – and to earn the license you’ll need to practice cosmetology in your state – you’ll need to attend an approved cosmetology program.  However, there are a wide variety of beauty school programs – some good and some bad – so you’ll need to do your research before you sign up.  Consider the following advice before choosing a cosmetology program.
Like many other careers, you’ll need a license to work as a cosmetologist.  Typically, you’ll need to complete a state-approved educational program before taking your licensing exam, which involves both written segments and practical, hands-on skills tests.

Practicing without a license can lead to serious consequences, so it’s important to follow the specific rules in your state before you begin working.  The following are some of the requirements you’ll need to fulfill before obtaining your license:

Minimum age

Different states have different licensing requirements, but almost all states require applicants to be a minimum age before applying for their licenses.  Typically, the age is somewhere between 16-18 years of age – again, it’s important to do your homework and find out what the specific requirement is in your home state.

Minimum education level

Most states require cosmetology license applicants to have completed a certain level of K-12 education in order to qualify to receive a license.  In Michigan, for example, applicants must have completed a ninth-grade education, while other state’s requirements range from an eighth-grade education to a high school diploma.  The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that cosmetologists entering the field have the basic language and math skills necessary to work in the industry.

Completion of an approved cosmetology program

Beyond traditional K-12 education, cosmetologists need to attend and satisfactorily complete a state-approved cosmetology program before applying for a license.  In these programs, you’ll learn both the theory and techniques of cosmetology.  It is this training that will prepare you to carry out the day-to-day tasks of a cosmetologist.

If you’re currently in the process of applying to cosmetology programs, it’s extremely important to be sure your program is approved by the state – otherwise, you may be required to complete a second program before taking your licensing exam.  If you have any doubts, contact your state’s licensing agency before you sign up for classes.

Completion of an apprenticeship program

Some states require cosmetology license applicants to complete a certain number of hours in an apprenticeship program before they’re eligible to take the licensing exam.  Some states specify where and how the apprenticeship can be carried out, while others allow applicants to work at any facility until they accrue the required number of hours.  Again, check with your state’s licensing board to find out what the specific requirements are in your area.

License application

Once you’ve completed your required educational programs and apprenticeship hours, you’ll likely have to go through an application process before you can take your exam.  Your state will typically require you to prove that you’ve completed each step in the process, either through online forms or mail-in application documents.  When your application has been approved, you can sign up for the final step in the process – the licensing exam.

Licensing exam

The specifics of what you’ll be tested on varies based on your state, but, in most cases, you’ll take a written test and demonstrate your skills through a practical exam.  Many states offer study guides to help you prepare, and you should definitely take advantage of these opportunities.  If you pass your exam, you’ll be mailed your license and will be considered eligible to begin working as a full-fledged cosmetologist.